Conditii de returnare 

Garantam ca produsele comercializate de va vor satisface asteptarile pe deplin. Dovada acestui lucru este faptul ca puteti returna produsele cumparate oricand pana la 15 SEPTEMBRIE.

Daca nu sunteti incantati de produsele , le puteti returna si noi va vom inapoia contravaloarea comenzii dumneavoastra.

Legislatia romana prevede: Consumatorul are dreptul sa notifice in scris comerciantului ca renunta la cumparare, fara penalitati si fara invocarea unui motiv, in termen de 14 zile lucratoare de la primirea comenzi. Dupa terminarea celor 14 zile si pana la maximul afisat mai sus isi rezerva dreptul de a solicita pana la 50% din valoarea comenzi ca taxa de procesare a comenzilor efectuate pe website.

Clientii pot returna produsele cumparate, in termen de 14 zile de la primire fara penalitati si fara invocarea vreunui motiv.

Pentru detalii suplimentare va rugam sa ne contactati



Return conditions 

We guarantee that the products sold by will fully meet your expectations. The proof of this is the fact that you can return the purchased products anytime until SEPTEMBER 15.

If you are not happy with products, you can return them and we will refund the value of your order.

The Romanian legislation provides: The consumer has the right to notify the merchant in writing that he gives up the purchase, without penalties and without citing a reason, within 14 working days from receiving the order. After the end of the 14 days and up to the maximum displayed above, reserves the right to request up to 50% of the order value as a processing fee for the orders placed on the website.

Customers can return the purchased products within 14 days of receipt without penalty and without citing any reason.

For additional details, please contact us