Am incercat sa facem cat mai utila si usoara folosirea magazinului

Cumpararea produselor se face prin apasarea butonului „Adauga in cos” prezent in dreptul fiecarui produs in pagina de prezentare detaliata a produsului.

Dupa adaugarea in cos a produselor pe care doriti sa le comandati, procesul de cumparare se continua prin apasarea butonului „Comanda” si parcurgerea urmatorilor pasi:
– Logare: se realizeaza autentificarea dumneavoastra prin completarea formularului de inregistrare. Daca sunteti un membru este necesara numai autentificarea dumneavoastra cu username-ul si parola.
– Modalitatea de plata: alegerea modalitatii de plata.
– Modalitate de livrare: alegerea modalitatii de livrare.
– Trimite comanda: verificarea finala a comenzii si finalizarea ei prin apasarea butonului „Trimite comanda”.
– Confirmare: confirmarea comenzii dumneavoastra prin afisarea facturii proforma generata automat de magazin.

O comanda este incheiata cu succes cand va este afisata (si trimisa pe e-mail) factura proforma corespunzatoare comenzii dumneavoastra cu stadiul „In asteptare”. In momentul procesarii comenzii de catre, veti primi un e-mail prin care veti fi instiintat ca stadiul comenzii este „Procesata”.


We tried to make the use of the store as useful and easy as possible

The products are purchased by pressing the  “Add to cart” button  present next to each product on the product’s detailed presentation page.

After adding the products you want to order to the basket, the purchase process continues by pressing the  “Order” button  and completing the following steps:
–  Logging in : your authentication is performed by completing the registration form. If you are a member  , you only need to log in with your username and password.
–  Payment method : choosing the payment method.
–  Delivery method : choosing the delivery method.
–  Send the order : the final check of the order and its completion by pressing the  “Send the order” button .
–  Confirmation : confirmation of your order by displaying the proforma invoice automatically generated by the store.

An order is successfully concluded when the proforma invoice corresponding to your order is displayed (and sent by e-mail) with the “Pending” status. When the order is processed by , you will receive an e-mail informing you that the status of the order is  “Processed” .